Hole By Hole

The First

A tough opening hole which requires a tee shot between two fairway bunkers, where trees either side of the fairway will catch the wayward drive. An elevated green will require accuracy and a greenside bunker will collect a missed approach.

The Second

With rough and out of bounds creeping in down the left-hand side, a straight tee shot, with a small bunker catching any misdirected drive. A long second shot also demands accuracy, as a large copse of trees awaits any wayward approach.

The Third

The first of the tough par 3s at Weston Turville, from an elevated tee three large bunkers protect a large green. Out of bounds awaits for shots long and left, and an undulating green will test out a good putting stroke.

The Fourth

Although not long in length, an elevated green demands an accurate shot. The green slopes from back to front, and a left hand greenside bunker will catch a wayward shot. A par is a good score here.

The Fifth

With severe rough down the left, a long drive will set you up for a shot to the green. With water on the right, and a pond to the left of the green, an accurate approach shot will have to be played between two bunkers to the green.

The Sixth

A tough hole where a par is always a good score. With a pond on the right and three bunkers this hole demands the ultimate in accuracy. A large green sloping from back to front will test out a good putting technique.

The Seventh

This par 5 requires accuracy rather than length, the tee shot has to be placed in the centre of the fairway, where water and trees lie in wait. The second shot will leave a short iron to a two tier green guarded by a pond and bunker.

The Eighth

Although not a long hole, the drive is key, with out of bounds on the right, and a pond and trees on the left. A good drive will leave a short iron to a well green guarded by two bunkers.

The Ninth

What looks like an easy hole requires an accurate tee shot, as out of bounds lurks down the left, and thick rough and trees on the right. A short iron to a green guarded by two bunkers may provide a good birdie opportunity.

The Tenth

This is a really tough par 3, which requires a long accurate tee shot. With out of bounds all the way down the left hand side, and a bunker and trees catching shots to the right, a par will be a good score.

The Eleventh

With out of bounds all the way down the left hand side, this hole demands three accurate shots to the green. The second shot over a dry ditch will leave a pitch to an elevated green sloping from back to front.

The Twelfth

Leading back to the clubhouse, the tee shot is key to this hole as out of bounds down the left, and trees down the right make this a demanding hole. The second shot requires accuracy to a severely two tiered green.

The Thirteenth

A long par 4 usually into a prevailing wind and a great driving hole with out of bounds down the left hand side. A long shot into a well protected green guarded by three bunkers will produce a satisfying par.

The Fourteenth

The drive is key to this hole, and will require a right to left shape to keep the ball on the fairway. A short or medium iron to a green protected by two large bunkers may produce another birdie opportunity.

The Fifteenth

Par 4 with a severe left hand dog leg requires an accurate tee shot. The decision on whether to lay up to a large pond, or go for the green depends on the drive, where bunkers and out of bounds surround the green.

The Sixteenth

The final par 3 is a demanding hole to a two tiered green with trees on the left and at the back of the green. With the cross winds also taken into account a large score can easily be run up and a par is always a good score.

The Seventeenth

This hole looks straight forward, however trees down the left and rough down the right, a good accurate tee shot sets up a good birdie opportunity. The elevated green is guarded by a pond on the left and a bunker on the right.

The Eighteenth

The final hole requires a shaped drive to land on the fairway. A two tiered elevated green will require a skillful shot either landing short of the green and running up to the hole, or the braver full shot to the green.